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Mapa dropa apos ser iniciado



Sempre que tento iniciar qualquer mapa ele dropa apos alguns segundos, nao eh problema de memoria ou cpu
no gslogs fica isso ai, o que talvez possa ser traduzido para:
Config file: 'gs.conf' Modified config file: 'gsalias.conf' The function is successfully opened after the operation. Implement the scheduled task reset. Successfully connected to server 1201 for data transmission. Successfully opened server port 63330 (1 connection) and exceeded the upper limit of 0 idle sessions. Initialization failed due to data error. The first half of the initialization failed, error code: -32.


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Em 24/06/2023 em 22:54, selisbreck disse:

Sempre que tento iniciar qualquer mapa ele dropa apos alguns segundos, nao eh problema de memoria ou cpu
no gslogs fica isso ai, o que talvez possa ser traduzido para:
Config file: 'gs.conf' Modified config file: 'gsalias.conf' The function is successfully opened after the operation. Implement the scheduled task reset. Successfully connected to server 1201 for data transmission. Successfully opened server port 63330 (1 connection) and exceeded the upper limit of 0 idle sessions. Initialization failed due to data error. The first half of the initialization failed, error code: -32.


Quantidade do item 63330 no gshop diferente do elements.

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19 minutos atrás, selisbreck disse:

Sempre que tento iniciar qualquer mapa ele dropa apos alguns segundos, nao eh problema de memoria ou cpu
no gslogs fica isso ai, o que talvez possa ser traduzido para:
Config file: 'gs.conf' Modified config file: 'gsalias.conf' The function is successfully opened after the operation. Implement the scheduled task reset. Successfully connected to server 1201 for data transmission. Successfully opened server port 63330 (1 connection) and exceeded the upper limit of 0 idle sessions. Initialization failed due to data error. The first half of the initialization failed, error code: -32.


O problema deve ser esse item ai… 63330 ve o que ele é e arruma

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